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Our Property & Conveyancing Team


Our fee promise

At GP we understand the prospect of receiving a bill from your accountant or solicitor can be daunting, and so our fee promise is:

  • Wherever possible we will provide a fixed fee for your matter so that you know exactly what we are going to do and how much it will cost. More than 98% of our matters are fixed fee.
  • For those matters where the fee cannot be fixed; we will tell you why and let you know ahead of time what your costs are likely to be, including for best and worst case scenarios.
  • We promise to achieve the best result possible for you. We do this by focusing only on what matters and by keeping your goals and best interests in mind at all times. This enables us to keep our fees, and your costs, down.
  • Our clients know how much we charge, before any work goes ahead and are kept fully aware and updated throughout the process. No surprises. No shocks.

Click here for Conveyancing prices. Or download the Conveyancing pricing brochure in the resources section below.


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