Will your last Will be your final word?

Will your last will be your final word on who gets your property and possessions? The answer is “not necessarily”.  The validity of a will can be affected  by such things as a person’s mental state at the time they made the will . More commonly family and dependants...

Advance Health Directives: Do you need one?

An Advance Health Directive (AHD), sometimes known as a living will, is a formal method of giving instructions regarding your future health. It comes into effect only if your cognitive health deteriorates to the extent whereby you are unable to make your own...

Estate Planning for Business Owners

Have you thought about how your business partnership or company might affect your estate planning? For example, how will you fund the pay out of your business partner’s family if your business partner dies or becomes incapacitated? Many people who are involved in a...

Do you need a testamentary trust?

Trusts have long been recognised as having tax and asset protection advantages, particularly for people involved in business. Over time legislation and case law have whittled away many of the advantages. Regardless of this, trusts can still be an effective means of...

What is a Mutual Will?

As the incidence of blended families becomes increasingly common, the importance of making consideration for this in estate planning grows too. Blended families are expressed as one or both spouses/domestic partners (“spouses”) with children from...